

Adventist schools have been established under the direction of the Lord. “And all thy children  shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children (Isaiah 54:13). We cannot afford to allow our children to drift away into the world and to fall under the control of the enemy ... Let us do all in our power to make our schools a blessing to our youth.” (Ellen G. White, Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Youth, page 210).

In view of this counsel, MZFC heeds these counsels and has a good number of students in Crawford Adventist Academy, Kingsway College, Canadian University College, and other Adventist universities in US, as well as Adventist University of the Philippines (AUP). 

Our church elects an Education leader to minister to the educational pursuits of our children and youth by:
1) Keeping a record of school age children or youth
2) Assist families with students in public schools
3) Promote Christian education
4) Help parents of infants [early education] and
5) Special care for the children of new members.

Our Education leader is Myrna Villenueva.