Finance is an integral part of any organization, and more so for Mt. Zion Church since "the gathering and handling of funds for the Lord’s work is a sacred responsibility" -(Church Manual - p.169). The financial matters of Mt. Zion Church is managed by the Treasury and Finance team, that includes pastor(s) and other leaders elected by the Church every two years. It is the mandate of this committee to oversee the financial affairs of the Church and make recommendations to the Church about the financial affairs and policies of the Church. They also monitor that the church is in good financial health, ensure that the assets of the church are protected, and resources are used appropriately.
Nanette Robes is the current Treasurer and was elected since the beginning of 2022, supported by five (4) Associate Treasurers who made sure that all funds are handled appropriately and the Church is informed about its financial health on a monthly basis. In addition, she prepares the annual budget of the church for presentation and approval by the Finance Team and the Church in Business session.